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Diaper Punishment


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    Longest Release Sound And Longest Fart Sound Ever Chained To

    Please Note: All content on this site is Role Playing Fantasy only. All content is consensual.

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Longest Release Sound And Longest Fart Sound Ever Chained To

    Clip Description

    She let the diaper supply run out again. So bob has decided to take her down into a hole underneath his house. He gave her a giant enema before locking her to a wall naked sitting atop a bedpan. It isn’t long before she is unable to hold it any longer and flushes a large wave of fluid out her asshole and into the bedpan. At times it seems the stream will never stop. Some of her release takes 30 seconds to stop, some farts last the same time. Chained upon a wall in the hole beneath his house, she is made to suffer and smell the messy release.

    Clip Duration:      8 minutes
    Format Size
    wmv93.64 MB

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    Messy Diaper Punishment - Longest Release Sound And Longest Fart Sound Ever Chained To

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Longest Release Sound And Longest Fart Sound Ever Chained To

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Longest Release Sound And Longest Fart Sound Ever Chained To

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Longest Release Sound And Longest Fart Sound Ever Chained To

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Longest Release Sound And Longest Fart Sound Ever Chained To

    Messy Diaper Punishment - Longest Release Sound And Longest Fart Sound Ever Chained To

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